Monday, April 5, 2010

Finally Adjusted

So, Isaac is here! It has been a great transition. We both feel comfortable here (besides the April heat) and are excited to be doing something to serve together. I have to say, we function very well together in another country. We've spent most of our time around the Santisuk area; we went downtown the first day he was here, but everything was closed because of the "red mob" protests (at least we got the excitement of being caught up in the political action). We spend a lot of time in coffee shops, walking around, or at the mall waterpark.

The most difficult thing is having to follow very strict boundaries set by the school. The two main rules are no holding hands (and of course anything like hugging and kissing is totally off-limits) and no privacy. It takes a lot of energy to be out all the time, especially because Bangkok is extremely crowded (and did I mention hot?). I can't WAIT until we are free to simply sit on a couch together and hold hands while we watch a movie!

Isaac has been helping me a ton with my writing class. I now have a 56-page rough draft.... It's pretty intense. I also found out I have a week to apply for a GSA at Eastern Washington (I have to put together my first "curriculum vitae," wow. I had to google that one.). I haven't heard officially from UW yet, but unofficially, they have already made their first offers to the first-choice applications, and they said they couldn't offer me any scholarships even if I was accepted. EWU, on the other hand, offered me a second scholarship in addition to suggesting 3 GSAs I should apply for. So...yeah.

There's been a chicken pox epidemic. Several of the kids around here have it, and Rung picked it up too. She's staying somewhere else in isolation for the time-being. I'm not too afraid of getting it again, but it seems like they make a pretty big deal about it here.

Oh yeah, and did I say how hot it is? Up until this past week, I've been enjoying the heat for the most part, but finally it's getting to the point where I am constantly soaking in sweat in 100+ degree humid weather. It's not completely unbearable, but it's definitely a constant presence.


Senia said...

So happy that Isaac is there and that things are going well. I was looking forward to an update! :-)

Jeanie said...

well.. you did say you like the heat, lol...I would not survive there very long..