Friday, January 21, 2011


I have plenty of things stored up to say about proposal, engagement, emotions, plans, wedding, marriage, craziness, etc etc etc...but no time. For now I'd love some input... Isaac and I trying to decide what ring route to go. We both really like these awesome socially/environmentally "friendly" wood rings--as well as the fabulous couple who makes them--but I'm a bit nervous because, well, they're wood.

Then there's the more traditional route. I'd want a wedding band with diamonds/sapphires in it (no engagement ring); Isaac would get a standard (tungsten?) band. The diamonds and sapphires in these ones also have ethical origins (Canada, haha).

Here are pics. What do you think??

wood with eilat stone (on the right)
wood with lapis lazuli stone

diamonds and sapphires



Wu-zy Whatsit said...

Oh man, I'm not going to be of any help other than to say that all of the pics you put up are beautiful! If not for the concern about durability with the wooden rings I would say go for those--they're beautiful and they match and are unusual, but if they won't last till death do you part then I'd say no to them. Do the makers of those rings know how well they might last as wedding bands? Given that my engagement ring is diamond and sapphire, you know I approve of that choice! :) I like the one with both better than the one that only has sapphires, but that's just because I really like diamonds. Again, probably unhelpful, but there's my two cents. :) I have to say it again: I'M SOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!

Wu-zy Whatsit said...

Oh, and of the two wooden ones I like the one with the blue better than the ones with the green in the middle. Also, on second look I can't tell, does the ring that looks like it's all sapphires actually have teeny diamonds in there too?

Jennifer said...

Love the wooden bands! :) And I LOVE that you're getting married!

Ann Elizabeth said...

Those are so pretty! Would you have to take the wooden rings off to wash your hands, go swimming, etc? and yes, how long would they last? I think the diamonds and sapphires are really stunning, so either would be a good option! yay!