I feel like there is so much to catch up on!
Bad news first: I'm furious with US Bank because I've been having issues using my credit card here and because they charged me a ridiculously high late fee for not paying my credit card bill by midnight central time, as if I'm operating by central time. And I've also had a bad last couple days. They were beautiful and sunny, and of course we were working our butts off the whole time. And it's not like we planned to be working all day--it's like, "Oh, there's one more thing....Oh wait, here's another house for you to clean." Today we had the day off and went to Loniupoko, a beach on the way to Lahaina, and it rained the first half of the day. Great. And finally, the cockroaches had a little romp about the bathroom yesterday evening--with the lights on--so we have decided they must die, after all. And Jeanie has been having some crappy things going on back home. :(
And good news: the beach was good when it wasn't raining. We got tan. (By the way, Martha and Emily will be pleased to know that I can finally relate to them wholeheartedly--I am the pasty white person here, instead of being the tan one. I hang out with too many Asians and Mexicans!) Holly and Kieva hung out there, too, so it was fun to have a little kid to play with. We saw whales breaching all over the place (granted, they were far away, but we still got excited about it). Yesterday we went for interviews at Banana Republic in Wailea, and they went really well, and I got a call back tonight to offer me the job. Jeanie got offered a job at the new Border's Seattle's Best (yay!), so we're excited about that. I have an interview there on Friday, plus I don't actually want to work at Banana Republic or drive all the way out there five days a week, so I'm going to turn Banana down.
(By the way, I'm sorry this is so convoluted. I'm trying to rush to get done before my battery dies because my cord is in Joe Bob's and I'm at the Lodge trying to pick up wireless.)
Tonight we went to this Hope Chapel thing for young people called Big Rise. It was really fun, and we met a lot of people. Conversations are so interesting here. They always include the following: "How long have you been here?" "Where are you from originally?" I love how everyone has such vastly different backgrounds but are united by a common love for island life and the desire to escape the craziness of the real world. Once again, I was kinda forcing myself to do a big group thing because I knew it'd be good for me, and then it ended up being awesome. I think we could make some really good connections there, like there was this girl who's doing massage therapy school in Makawao, which is pretty close by here. It's hard not really being able to commit to regular activities or small groups because of the distance and our totally random schedules, but I'm thinking we'll be able to patch together a decent social life.
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