Saturday, December 27, 2008

:( or :) or :( or :)

We went over to #10 (actually, I think it might be #11) to clean it up a bit and get excited about living there, but instead we got a little grossed out and depressed. We're totally getting ripped off, we know.... No one would pay as much actual cash for the place as we're paying by work. Both of us go back and forth so often between feeling lucky that we have a job with some perks and feeling like we'd just like to get real jobs and keep living at Maria's. Anyway, our new place is a little terrifying--lots of spots, stains, leaks, cobwebs, holes, piles, dust, shadows, and droppings. Which actually make it kind of awesome, I think. When I'm not cringing away from the daddy-long-legs, I love that we get the opportunity to turn a piece of junk into a home. Obviously I'm having a bit of a "is the glass half full or half empty?" crisis.

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