Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day Two

Woke up at 6 this morning to darkness. I lay in bed for an hour or so and listened to the dawn--rush-hour traffic on the one main road, the push and pull of the ocean, the tropical birds getting louder as the sun rose, people getting up and moving around the little compound (it's a private drive with probably eight or nine houses along it).... If I had just been placed here randomly and woke up having no idea where I was, I would guess Kenya (Nairobi, specifically, since it was cool enough to have a blanket pulled halfway up). Feels like home.

I will take pictures and post them, I promise.

Oh, I am supposed to talk about how warm it is and make you all jealous, or so multiple people have told me. It's pretty lovely, in the 70's and sunny. What a bizarre switch from the 0 degrees it was in Minneapolis.


Unknown said...

Ohmigosh, I'm so jealous I could throw up.

When can I come?

Becky said...

the word bizarre reminds me of the word blizzard, which has been the case here in minneapolis.

jealous, yes, but i will not throw up. that's just gross.

Senia said...

Sounds like you are off to a good start! I think Costco is a first stop for most people. :-) Can't wait for more updates!